
More On Clinton Money Grab

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More On Clinton Money Grab: Chelsea Charging $75,000 Per Speech!!!
Published on on July 11, 2014

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Just when you thought that there was no more money out there for the Clinton family to grab, The New York Times reported that Chelsea Clinton is now charging $75,000 per speech!

Now that is seriously hard to believe.

The question is why anyone would invite her to speak in the first place, let alone pay her an exorbitant fee.

Because anyone who has ever watched Chelsea's highly scripted and repetitive speeches, or seen her stilted attempts at TV journalism, would be understandably shocked at the outrageous speaking fee.  She's a nice, polite, highly educated young woman, but she is NOT a charismatic speaker like her father or an experienced politician and advocate like her mother.  What's attractive about her is her name.

Her ever-present handlers point out that the fees are donated directly to the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Foundation.  But what difference does that make?

The Foundation is completely controlled by the Clintons. They make budget, program, and staff decisions and plant their political cronies throughout the organization.  We're not talking about some independent institution here.  The money is spent exactly the way the Clintons want it to be spent.  And would anyone there say no to them?  So, they are donating to themselves.

Think about it: What exactly does Chelsea Clinton offer as a speaker?

Answer: Nothing

She has absolutely no exceptional professional experience to share.  As the New York Daily News points out on its front page, she's never held public office and never been involved in philanthropy outside the Clinton Foundation.  So it is hard to see how she could be a serious role model for Millenniums.

She's not an inspiring speaker.  Her speeches are littered with the same canned lines, time after time:

"I'm attempting to lead a purposefully public life."  (Vanity Fair, ABC, NBC, CNN, NY TIMES.)

"I'm just unabashedly, unapologetically biased towards [Hillary]" (CNN, Daily Mail, Parade.)

"I'm obsessed with diarrhea" (ABC, USA TODAY, Business Insider, Clinton Global Initiative, Huffington Post.)

"Right now I'm grateful to live in a city and state in a country where I strongly support my mayor, my governor, president and senators and my representatives.  If at some point that weren't true and I thought I could make a meaningful and measurably greater impact I'd have to ask and answer that question." (Fast Company Magazine, NBC, CNN.)

So what is it that Chelsea has to offer?

Are the extraordinary fees a back door method of friending Hillary, the putative Democratic Party nominee?

Because Chelsea's own experience doesn't give her much to talk about.  Her jobs have all been run-of -the-mill positions created for her by either her parents or their cronies.  Her first job was at McKinsey, and after a few years, she moved on to Avenue Capital, a hedge fund owned by one of her mother's biggest donors.  But, after three years, once she realized that she just "couldn't ... care about money," she moved on.

Next, Chelsea pursued an academic career.  In 2010, NYU President John Sexton, Friend of Bill, appointed her as Assistant Vice-Provost of the Global Network University at N.Y.U., bringing together Muslims and Jews in New York and around the globe.

When asked about this role, she told Time magazine that she was passionate about: "Trying to really figure out what the right pedagogy should be in multifaith and interfaith education and leadership."

Sounds fascinating.

In 2013, she co-founded and chaired the NYU multifaith "Of Many institute."  She insisted that her interfaith marriage qualified her for this position, since she lives an interfaith life with her Jewish husband.

But when evidence of brutal treatment of workers and violations of basic human rights were lodged against NYU's construction workers at the new campus of the Global Network University in Abu Dhabi, Ms. Clinton was silent about the abuses to her Muslim constituency.

The New York Times reported that despite NYU's promise that workers would be fairly treated, they were placed in squalid housing with fifteen people in a room meant for four.  Passports were confiscated and the workers were required to pay a fee of one year's wages to get the jobs.  Some workers were beaten and arrested for demanding their pay.

NYU said they were not responsible for the treatment of the workers, since they were sub-contracted by another company.  So much for fair working conditions.  Last month, NYU and the Abu Dhabi government hired an independent investigative company to report on the situation there.

Sexton had called the new campus "an opportunity to transform the university and, frankly, the world."


And guess who was the speaker at the first graduation on the UAE campus? (Undoubtedly paid for it, too.)

Bill Clinton.  And, of course, he never criticized NYU or the UAE, one of his major benefactors, for the outrageous working conditions.  The UAE and Dubai has contributed $10 million to the Clinton Foundation and millions to Bill Clinton personally in speeches.

No chance of an interesting speech by Chelsea on this topic.

The next job for Chelsea was as a Special Correspondent for ABC TV. That's been a bust, but a lucrative bust.  Chelsea has a contract for $600,000 a year.  So far, in 2014, she's appeared on four very boring segments, including an interview with Geico gecko.  So bad is she on camera that she usually does a voice over segment with very little time on camera.

So, nothing much to share there.

She's paid $300,000 for sitting on the Board of a Barry Diller company.

Again, what is it that she would talk about?

Oh, the Bill, Hillary, and Clinton Foundation.  She's now the Vice-Chairman and travels around giving canned speeches.  Now we learn that she's charging $75,000 per speech.

There's a sucker born every day.

Just Google it

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