
With the Stroke of a Pen

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How Obama abuses executive order

How Obama abuses executive power to make the law of the land

A Washington Examiner special series

Elements to come in this series

1. Immigration amnesty by executive memo
2. The employer mandate delay
3. War in Libya
4. The illegal Solyndra contract modification
5. Rewriting federal education law by waiver
6. Unconstitutional NLRB appointees
7. The Yucca Mountain delay
8. Gutting welfare reform
9. The Gulf of Mexico drilling moratorium
10. Regulating the Internet

Day 1: Obama illegally decrees amnesty for many illegal immigrants

Day 2: Obamacare mandate is whatever Obama -- or any future president -- says it is

Day 3: Obama ignored Congress before launching Libyan war

Day 4: Obama donor gained nearly $1b in tax credits in Solyndra bankruptcy

Day 5: Obama rewrote federal education law as Congress napped

Day 6: Obama claimed unlimited recess appointment power in NLRB crisis

Day 7: Obama refuses to follow the law on nuclear waste

Day 8: Obama edict repealed 1996 welfare reform's work requirement

Day 9: Obama repeatedly defied federal court with Gulf oil policies

Day 10: President Obama, Julius Genachowski ignore law to regulate the Internet










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Tapping into the public’s growing sentiment that President Obama is in over his head, The Amateur argues that Obama’s toxic combination of incompetence and arrogance have run our nation and his presidency off the rails. “Obama was both completely inexperienced and ideologically far to the left of Americans when he entered the White House,” says Klein. “And he was so arrogant that he didn’t even know what he didn’t know.”

Klein, who is known for getting the inside scoop on everyone from the Kennedys to the Clintons, reveals never-before-published details about the Obama administration’s political inner workings and about Barack and Michelle’s personal lives, including:

The inordinate influence Michelle wields over Barack and her feud with a high-profile celebrity
The real reason Rahm Emmanuel left the White House (it wasn’t for family reasons)
Why Valerie Jarrett’s role is closer to that of Rasputin than impartial senior advisor
Obama’s problems with American Jews
How Obama has purposefully forgotten and ignored those that put him in power, including the Kennedys, and the Jewish and African American communities in Chicago.

Why the so-called “centrist” Obama is actually in revolt against the values of the society he was elected to lead
Why Bill Clinton loathes Barack Obama and tried to get Hillary to run against him in 2012
The spiteful rivalry between Michelle Obama and Oprah Winfrey
How Obama split the Kennedy family
How Obama has taken more of a personal role in making foreign policy than any president since Richard Nixon—with disastrous results
How Michelle Obama and Valerie Jarrett are the real powers behind the White House throne

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