
Obama : Taliban are Not a Terrorist Group

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Obama White House Continues to Claim Taliban are Not a Terrorist Group


If President Obama were to admit that the Taliban are Islamic Terrorists and constitute an Islamic Terrorist group, Obama would be admitting that he is abandoning Afghanistan to the Islamic Terrorists.
On Wednesday 28 January Eric Schultz, a White House spokesperson, spoke slowly and carefully in a White House briefing and press conference.  “The Taliban is an armed insurgency, ISIL is a terrorist group. We don’t make concessions to terrorist groups,” Mr. Schultz said.
We had hoped that Mr. Schultz was simply confused on Wednesday.  However, on Thursday 29 January Josh Earnest, Obama’s Press Secretary, twisted and turned his answers to repeat the exact same talking point.  The Taliban remain an “armed insurgency” and not Islamic Terrorists.

Josh Earnest acknowledged that the Taliban have been on a list of “specially designated global terrorists” since 2002.  Earnest became convoluted and said, "They [the Taliban] do carry out tactics that are akin to terrorism, they do pursue terror attacks in an effort to try to advance their agenda."

Josh Earnest tried to make a difference between al Qaeda, who Earnest calls “terrorists” and the Taliban.  Earnest stated, "Al Qaeda is a terrorist organization that has aspirations that extend beyond just the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan."  The Taliban "have principally been focused on Afghanistan."

The Obama White House is again trying to pretend that Islamic Terrorists do not exist.  Obama still seems to think that if he or his White House staff says that something is so, all who hear will immediately believe.

This White House deception causes one to recall Sir Walter Scott, “Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!”
One also brings to mind Isaiah 5:20-21, "Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.  Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes And clever in their own sight."

Both our friends and our enemies recognize Obama’s ongoing dishonesty.  It alerts our enemies that there is a very real chance to defeat the United States of America during the Obama Administration.  It is unfortunate that our elected members of Congress are not more aggressively addressing the dangers and the disasters Obama is creating.

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