
Watch: Ben Carson Delivers Perfect Response To The Guy Who Wrote ‘F*** Ben Carson’ Article

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“I kind of feel sorry for..."

Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson doesn’t believe negative comments are worth his time. Carson, a Christian, decided to turn the other cheek regarding a column published in GQ Magazine on Oct. 8.
“I kind of feel sorry for people who are so consumed with hatred and intolerance that they behave in that manner. I say we should pray for them. That’s my reaction,” Carson, a retired neurosurgeon, said in a Fox and Friends interview on Saturday.

 Drew Magary, known for his vulgarity-laced articles for the website Deadspin and GQ, wrote in his GQ column that Carson and other presidential candidates including Donald Trump and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal are pandering to “stupid.” The column, titled “F*** Ben Carson,” took aim at issues like gun control, which Carson opposes.
“You are now bearing witness to an arms race of stupid, because stupid is in such high demand from the GOP base at the present moment,” Magary wrote. “Stupid is what gets you attention, and attention is what gets you better polling numbers.”

Magary focused on comments Carson made about the Oregon massacre at a community college and gun control, calling them silly and “a goldmine of asinine cannon fire.” Carson pointed out that history indicates a people’s surrender of arms results in government-sponsored genocide.

 “I think the likelihood of Hitler being able to accomplish his goals would have been greatly diminished if the people had been armed,” the retired neurosurgeon commented on CBS’ Face the Nation. “I’m telling you there is a reason these dictatorial people take the guns first.”
While Magary pointed to Trump for being “authentically stupid,” he wrote that he’d rather have the billionaire “stupidly out-maneuvered by the politicians under him, than bringing in a guy like Carson who is willing to shred every last bit of his intellectual credibility in order to lord over a citizenry he doesn’t seem to have much respect for.”

Carson said over the weekend that people like Magary are “consumed with hatred and intolerance.”
“We should feel sorry for them. I don’t think we should necessarily react to them. And over the course of time, I think, they and perhaps others, will be able to see that there’s a better and more productive way to conduct one’s self,” the presidential candidate said.

Melody Dareing October 13, 2015 at 12:42pm

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