
“You’re a Waste of Human Flesh”: Black Kid’s Epic Takedown of Al Sharpton Is Going Viral [VIDEO]

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Internationally renowned race baiter Rev. Al Sharpton provides no worth to humanity whatsoever — at least according to 12-year-old conservative CJ Pearson.

We know that he knows this because CJ, who initially rose to fame in February when he uploaded a video to YouTube in which he doubled down on Rudy Giuliani’s claim that Obama doesn’t love America, recently uploaded a new video in which he said this and more.
“Al Sharpton, you don’t care about black people,” CJ began. “You don’t care about me. You don’t care about Michael Brown. You don’t care about Walter Scott. You didn’t care about Trayvon Martin.”
He went on to say Al Sharpton has done nothing but spread hatred through the black community and make black Americans feel as if they are all victims of racism.
“Not everyone is a racist,” CJ rebutted. “It’s just not true!”

In fact, according to CJ, he himself has never once been accosted with racist or derogatory remarks.
That he has never experienced racism himself does not mean that racism does not exist. However, we imagine that CJ’s classy and dignified manner has played a huge role in why he has never encountered any problems, race-related or otherwise.

CJ went on to accuse Sharpton of only being in “this business” to score profits. He also specifically cited Walter Scott’s killing, which he labeled a “miscarriage of justice,” that Al Sharpton is purposefully trying to exploit to advance his agenda and line his pockets.

The outspoken young conservative star then expressed his great frustration at the fact that Al Sharpton has become the ostensible voice for the black community. The problem is that he’s not the correct voice.

“We’re more sensible than you, Al,” CJ said (H/T Western Journalism).
“We’re not in this for the money. We’re in this to get a voice. You are not that voice.”
You’re a waste of human flesh,” CJ explained.
Harsh words from a 12-year-old. But they’re not the first harsh words Sharpton has ever heard, and they’re highly unlikely to be the last.

Please share this post on Facebook to spread the word about this young man’s call for a new voice to represent the black community in place of Al Sharpton.

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