
FBI Investigation Now Started After A Plane Got Dangerously Close To Air Force One

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FBI Investigation Now Started After A Plane Got Dangerously Close To Air Force One Last Night 

Posted by | Feb 9, 2017 |

While there was never any worry that the two planes were in danger of colliding in the skies, it is alarming that it could possibly have been even an option if the private plane pilot had chosen to. Is America really that inept at even the most ordinary of tasks in 2017, and if so, what chance would we have against the Russians if war did happen?
Flights anywhere near the president are often diverted and there are certain rules which apply to Air Force One that should have made this unthinkable. There is no way that anyone would even imagine that a scenario that puts a sitting president in such danger could happen so easily, and yet it did.
Pilot error or a controller error (no one would have noticed?) can cause these occurrences, which the industry calls “loss of separation,” but there are features on the Boeing jet that the president was in that would have told of such deviations to the pilots. Neither the Federal Aviation Administration nor the National Transportation Safety Board wished to make any comments about the incident at this time and investigations are ongoing.
Offical presidential protocols exist to keep Air Force One safe, but those protocols failed.
With so much at stake and so little information, it is very hard to not wonder what all of this means and where it leaves us in terms of security. There are a handful of ways that, in theory, such a thing as this could happen with Donald Trump in the skies, but none of them are good. To begin this, it could be that someone in our own government was allowing this.
This would be where Hollywood comes in with a terrible script that sees elites and those that hate Trump within the government or CIA trying to learn the workings of how the president travels or maybe even how to kamikaze him to the ground. Perhaps they snuck into the sky with no one knowing.
The only problem with this is that it is (at this point, who knows?) impossible in that hundreds, if not thousands, of air traffic controllers chart Air Force One with the above-mentioned protocols. If some secret hand within our government (or anyone else for that matter) found some magical way to get that many people to turn a blind eye to such a massive breach in logic then they would not have just flown by Trump since their chance will never happen again after this. So we can likely rule that option out.
Many people work in air traffic control towers so getting anything in the sky unseen close to Air Force One is impossible….right???
If this were the action of another nation or entity, what should America’s reaction be? This could easily be perceived as a threat. Such a scenario what also beg the question of how often this happens because we only know about this now due to the leaking of three people who won’t say even who they are. Does this happen a lot? If so, how can we stop it because Trump has more death threats already against him than the oceans have water.
Therefore, it can not be called “conspiracy” to worry about how a massive error or flaw in presidential security like this could happen. The private plane is lucky that fighter jets did not go rushing up and shoot the plane down before it’s pilot even knew that it had been locked. However we must now ask, did those fighter jets even get KNOW?
Could it be possible for someone in a private plane to kill Trump in a kamikaze style popular over 70 years ago with today’s technology? If so, how can this be fixed?
As news of this trickles in it will prove interesting to see just how this was allowed to happen and if it was done on purpose. If not, the look on the private plane pilot’s face when enough men in black were there to film a mafia movie showed up to greet him on the tarmac must have been hilarious. We may never know the whole story because to ever tell the whole story could put the president and Air Force One in even greater danger in the future, especially if there is technology that we don’t know about that allows it, or if we can not fix it. It is too soon to imply that private planes can have stealth technology, why that sounds as absurd as personal aircraft flying close to the…..oh, wait….
When every liberal with a laptop and a screen full of misinformation is tweeting about how they would like to kill Trump, see him dead, assassinate his family, and even murder his favorite quarterback, then it seems high time to consider more closely what is going on in the high skies because at this point, who knows what can really happen in the “real” world.

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